Next Course Starting Date: 8th June 2024

Foundation Botox and Dermal Filler Course
4-6 weeks home study
3 Day Practical Course

Our pioneering Foundation Aesthetics training course has been especially created with beginners in mind. Giving both medics and non-medics an educated entrance into the world of aesthetics.
• Mirconeedling
• Anatomy and Physiology
• Foundation Anti Wrinkle Injectables
• Foundation Dermal Filler
• Safe practice of Medicine
• Dissolve Dermal Filler and Complications Management
Foundation Aesthetics is designed for complete beginners. You don’t need any pre-existing knowledge of the aesthetics or beauty industry.
If you’re a medic or non-medic, everyone is welcome on this course.
If you’re a non-medic, you complete the Skin Techniques Aesthetics Anatomy and Physiology home study, which is included in this course.
You will complete this course will full accreditation.
Upon payment of your deposit, you will be sent the relevant course details. This will be for you to study and gain a key understanding of basic anatomy and physiology. Any questions you have, please don't hesitate to get in contact with the team.
Along with Anatomy and Physiology, you will also be expected to research key topics which are COSHH, risk assessment, COVID risk assessment, first aid kit, accident log file, waste disposal and insurance. This information will be sent to you via email to our learning platform . A little boring we know but this leaves you more time in class to enjoy the fun practical side. The aim of this manual is for you to get a good understanding of the key points which will be vital for your business.
This is a three day practical course to cover all the aspects of theory and practical training. Within your first day of training and practical days these are the subjects and practical assessments you will learn and gain accreditation in :
Introduction meet and greet.
Safe Medicines Management
Safe Practices in Medicine
Consultation Process and Facial Assessment
Facial Anatomy
Botulinum Toxin injections on live models
Dermal Filler injections on live models
Complications management
Theory of Anti-Wrinkle Injections
Benefits of Anti-Wrinkle Injections
Development of Botulinum Toxins + Mode of Action
Onset of Anti-Wrinkle Injections
Basic Anti-Wrinkle Injection Areas
Consultation process
Injection Techniques
Preparing to inject
Facial Muscles
Areas and Units
Dermal Filler Theory
Benefits of Dermal Fillers
Hyaluronic Acid
Basic Filler Areas
Structure of the Skin
Arteries Feeding the Face
Consultation Process
Injection Techniques
Preparing to inject
Lip Anatomy
Emergency Reversal Protocol
Elective Reversal Protocol
Administration of Hyalase
Demonstration of Dermal Fillers on live model
Practical Case Studies of Naso fold, Marionette lines, vermilion board, volume of bottom and top lip
Clinical set up
Business structure
Social media and marketing
Recap questions
Demonstration of Anti-Wrinkle Injecatbles
Practical Case Studies of Crows feet, Forehead, and Frown lines.
Recap of Course
If you have any further questions or would like to secure your space please email or DM 07825201717
We Look forward to welcoming you to Skin Techniques Academy and helping you unlock your full potential.